Gertrud of Poland
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Wladyslaw II 1105-1159 |
Wladyslaw II | |
F: | 1105 |
Krakow, Poland (Polen) | |
D: | 30 maj 1159 |
Altenburg, Østrig |
Agnes af Østrig 1111-1157 |
Agnes af Østrig | |
F: | 1111 |
Østrig (Austria) | |
G: | 1106 |
D: | 25 jan. 1157 |
Østrig (Austria) |
Sbislava (Sbylava) af Kiev | |
D: | ca 1111 |
Rusland |
Boleslaw III Krzywousty 1086-1138 |
Boleslaw III Krzywousty | |
F: | 20 aug. 1086 |
G: | 15 nov. 1102 |
D: | 28 okt 1138 |
Svjatopolk II of Duke of Kiev 1050-1113 |
Svjatopolk II of Duke of Kiev | |
F: | 1050 |
Rusland | |
D: | 16 apr. 1113 |
Rusland |
Isjaslaw I Duke of Kiev 1025-1078 |
Isjaslaw I Duke of Kiev | |
F: | 1025 |
Rusland | |
G: | 1043 |
Kiev, Ukraine | |
D: | 3 okt 1078 |
Nezhatinaia, Russia (Rusland) |